Relocation Information
Moving into a new community can be a daunting experience, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the area. The following information is provided to help you get comfortable in your new Cut Bank home.
All of the electric power in Glacier County is provided by a local cooperative, located in Cut Bank, that is run by a board of directors consisting of local residents. For electrical services call:
Glacier Electric Cooperative, Inc. (406) 873-5566, 410 E. Main, Cut Bank, MT 59427. Toll Free (800) 347-6795
Natural Gas
Inside the city limits of Cut Bank, natural gas services are provided by:
Cut Bank Gas Company, (406) 873-5531, 403 E. Main, Cut Bank, MT 59427.
For some residents outside the city limits, services are provided by:
NorthWestern Energy, (888) 467-2669
Outside the city limits and in the country, residents use large propane storage tanks that are serviced every month by the following provider:
Ben Taylor Inc., (406) 873-4531, 215 BN Site, Cut Bank, MT 59427
Water, Sewer & Garbage
Within the city limits, residents need to contact:
City Hall, (406) 873-5526, 221 W. Main, Cut Bank, MT 59427
Outside the city limits, most residents are served by well water and septic tanks located on their properties.
Cut Bank is a member of the Northern Montana Joint Refuse Disposal District. The city roll-off site is located about one and a half miles north of Cut Bank. All garbage from Cut Bank is hauled to the roll-off site. Private individuals outside the city limits who are not on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation must haul their garbage to the city roll-off site. Within the Reservation boundaries, the Blackfeet Tribe provides garbage disposal with roll-off containers placed in main traffic and population areas.
Vehicle and Drivers Licensing
Residents new to Montana have 90 days to obtain a new driver’s license if they hold an out-of-state license (30 days for commercial drivers). Vehicles owned by residents new to the state must be registered and licensed with the county as soon as the owner is gainfully employed. Those with in-state licenses may wait and register with the county when the license becomes due. Click here for more information on licensing.
Telephone & Internet Servers
If you would like local internet service, you can get hooked up at one of these locations:
Northern Telephone Co-op Inc., (406) 937-2114, Toll Free (877) 937-2114, P.O. Box 190, Sunburst, MT 59484 for residents in the areas surrounding Cut Bank.
Charter Communications - Sales: (877) 253-5993
Century Link - Sales: (800) 244-1111
3Rivers, (800)796-4567, 415 Main Street, Shelby Montana 59474
Vision Net - www.vision.net - 866.334.8638 or 406.727.5994
Public School Information
School District # 15
101 3rd Ave SE
Cut Bank, MT 59427
406.873.4691 (fax)